I’m Cynthia Tinapple, an artist, curator, and leader in the polymer clay community for over 20 years.
On this blog I showcase the best polymer clay art online to inspire and encourage you. I also send out weekend extras in the premium newsletter, StudioMojo.
You can find my book, Polymer Clay Global Perspectives, on Amazon.
Love this! Thanks for my morning smile?
Imojis did not go.
and hearts.
I did… I looked at a photo of Lyn’s necklaces.
Jen ,
Thanks for the laugh today and for all the inspiration that you’ve shared in the past! So much inspiration and beauty!
I just looked at a bowl I recently made, does that count? The inscription reads, “Be still and know that I am God.” ?
Lorrene Baum-Davis ,
Oh, snort.
Great post (excuse) Cynthia. Hah!
Good one CT, I’ll keep an eye out!
I don’t usually reply, but I had to today…..we are in the midst of moving to Kansas from New Jersey after living in this house for 41 years and I didn’t have a lot to smile about today until the beautiful example of your creativity appeared in front of me. I discovered a smile and even a laugh.
While I am here I do want to thank you and all the wonderful artists for sharing. I’ve only recently discovered the wonders of polymer clay:)
You have a lot to smile about every day you are alive. You don’t have to look very far to find it. GRATITUDE is my mantra. I keep a rock in my pocket that reminds me every time I touch it, to be grateful for what I have. The more I do, the happier I am. Something told me to click on this post and there it is. Have a good day.
Sandra ,
Great messages.