Michigan’s Linda Hoffman Martin bravely submitted her first piece of wall art to PCD via the contact form.
This lovely wire and polymer leafy shadow box reminds me of how grateful I am when artists like Linda take a risk and send a link.
She first put the piece up on the FB Hooked on Polymer group because she was proud of it. When hundreds of others agreed with her, she was surprised and emboldened to try for a wider audience.
If that little voice in your head says, “You’ve got something here!” take a chance and spread your work around. The validation can do wonders for your mojo.
Yes, that’s my cue to tell you that StudioMojo, the weekend newsletter, is another way to push yourself in new directions and shore up your enthusiasm. We’d love to have you join us.
Hi Cynthia
What is the PCD contact form?
Varda Levram-Ellisman ,
Perfectly said about taking a chance, Cynthia! We all need that encouragement when the self doubt about our work creeps in. Thank you!
PiperPixieDesigns ,
WOW! L?VE this piece! Super talented artist (????)?*:???