Iconic polymer

by Fran Abrams
An icon in my artistic medium
died today
Cancer, the notice said
I was introduced to her at a conference
Heard her speak at a seminar
Ate dinner at the same table at another event
I never knew her personally
Didn’t know she was ill
Yet I feel personally bereft
Feel as if the saying
She will be missed
is much too casual
for her contributions to the field
Without her crusade to bring attention to polymer clay
Without her donation of her own collection to several museums
Without her own exquisite designs
Would the recognition be so great?
Would my own work be in a museum today?
I think not
I grieve because I can see clearly
the steps of her life leading
to a moment in my life
How her life
changed the story of mine
Photo, Elise Winters necklaces, Nine Sautoir, 2004, 64-inch wrapping rope necklaces with gold, vermeil, sterling silver and mica