Playful design and simulated retreat

Angela Garrod mixes textures and shapes with a delicate touch on

UK’s Angela Garrod builds her long pendant with square tubes that end in birch-like round beads.

Childish Games We Played ends in a pendant that’s textured and worn with a surprising top to its shape.

Just when you think she’s finished, Angela adds a length of handmade chain. It all adds up to a refined and elegant yet playful piece. Her works are consistently well-considered and thoroughly designed in a way that makes it look effortless.

You have to visit her website to get a full view of her impeccable taste.

We translated the Virginia retreat into a Zoom meeting this week. For an hour and a half every day, we simulated the annual gathering. It was nostalgic and fun and reminded us of what we were missing. We left feeling hungry for next year. Come on over to StudioMojo to see our takeaways. 

  • reply Carol Blackburn ,

    Well done, Angela. Good to see you featured on PCD. Enjoy your day of stardom.

    • reply Angela Garrod ,

      Thank you dear Carol!! Hope you are OK!!

    • reply Angela Garrod ,

      What a wonderful surprise Cynthia!! Many thanks indeed . All though this piece looks effortless it is far from it especially during this difficult time when the mind is else where and everything seems to be a struggle. I hope it gives a little pleasure to all of you out there!!

      • reply Christine Buss ,

        Wow. I went to Angela’s website and… everything is just stunning. The originality! The use of textures! Some of those pieces went straight to my soul. What a treat.

        • reply Angela Garrod ,

          Thank you Christine!! I am glad you enjoyed my work!!

        • reply Dayl Jones ,

          Angela”s work is quite simbly sublime. It certainly floats my boat!

          • reply Angela Garrod ,

            Thank you Dayl for you lovely compliment!!

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