You thought I’d be all about VOTE today, right? But we’re fried and frazzled and these Peace Pebbles from UK’s Lizzi Holt (Bizzi Zizzi would feel like silky smooth soothing charms in my pocket.
There’s something magical about being able to control the swirl of bicone beads and Lizzi has mastered it.
“Take a moment to be present and become aware of your surroundings, thoughts, and your breathing. Use a Peace Pebble™ to center yourself and anchor positive memories whenever you feel anxious or stressed, when meditating or in prayer,” Lizzi advises.
So chill right after you vote. And if you want to make a bicone swirl, take a look at this little video of mine where Carissa Nichols teaches you the basics.
Brilliant idea for a stressful day. Peace Pebbles. Thankyou!