In my ideal Instagram reality, my studio looks as festive and tidy as Australia’s Evelyn Jay’s. I like the idea of holly leaves and berries on a clean work surface.
Who are we kidding? My festive reality involved tossing strings of lights on the bushes and watching the four-year-old across the street build a snowman. That felt right. Close enough.
But maybe, just maybe, I’ll whip myself up a pair of these cute earrings. It’s an odd season this year and we’re allowed to celebrate in whatever way suits us. Raise your hand, if you’re with me.
My studio isn’t tidy but my hard drive is chock full of gift-wrapped goodies that you can play with every Saturday morning in StudioMojo. Find out what Santa brought us!
Adorable Holly!
You should come over and see my Christmas Dragon. Green and Red, 9 ft. tall and 11 ft. wide wings that move up and down. He’s eating a candy cane. The kids in the neighborhood come over at least once a week to hug him. The parents and neighbors then line up in our court and have a coffee clatch. It’s a lot of fun!