Cracking the code

This very large hollow crackle pendant with a carved edge from Canada’s Claire Maunsell bursts with color, texture and excitement. Claire teaches the first class at the new Galerie Freisleben in Ubersee in August.
She says, ” I think you’ll agree that we can expect this gallery to be an exciting hub for all things polymer now and in the future, and I’m just so excited to be part of it!”

Claire is teaching surfaces in Ubersee and traveling to other venues to share her own brand of hollow forms. Claire comes from a background in hot glass so her approach to surfaces and hollow forms in polymer is quite different from others.
I’m returning to Ohio from Canada today with a renewed appreciation for the mellow Canadian vibe. My 3-year-old grandson is floating on a cloud after a visit to the top of the CN Tower in Toronto. Who knew that tickets to a tourist attraction and a ride in a glass elevator could bring such happiness? Ah, the joys of grandparenting.