Polymer brush strokes

Wendy Jorre de St. Jorre’s Weeping Willow cane is just one in her yearlong study of trees and canes. Every week this year she’s constructed a cane based on a species of tree.
This example is based on a Monet painting of willows. “I wanted to see if I could make brush strokes with clay,” she says.
If Boabs, grass trees, and river gums look exotic to you, it may be because her trees are inspired by Australian landscapes.

Her latest effort, Snow Gums, is a 5-cane series that matches horizontally to make a continuous panorama. She wanted to have all her assignments completed so that she could play in Las Vegas at Clay Carnival this week.
Wendy carefully documents her efforts and shows her canes on her Flickr site and there’s a concise overview on her Pinterest page. It’s an impressive project to follow.