Last but not least

Picarello on PCDaily

If you thought you were the only one who worried over their FIMO50 entry, think again. Even Julie Picarello fretted about working in a size and shape she wasn’t used to. “I have never made anything that size before and was honestly a little overwhelmed. I’m just so glad my tile is done,” Julie admits.

What better way to start May and end the project than with Julie’s dreamy colors and ethereal mokume gane? There’s more on Flickr and her website.

If your entry is just getting to the mailbox (the official deadline was extended to May 3), let me know.

Over a hundred tiles from the US have been individually wrapped and I’m looking forward to boxing and shipping what looks suspiciously like a large heap of contraband.

Heartfelt thanks to all of you who worried and worked to help others.

April 30 deadline – No fooling!

Phamova on PCDaily

Dana Phamova’s tile for the FIMO50 World Project shows off her fascination with color, light and shadow. Her 4″ tile could be a modern painting, a mosaic, or a collection of pieces from a Monopoly game. See more of Dana’s color studies here and here as well as on Flickr and Instagram.


The tiles from American artists continue to pile up in my studio until April 30 when I’ll box them up together and whisk them off to Germany. You still have time to mail yours to me in Ohio. Let’s make a great showing.

A sampling of entries are fun to study on Fimo50WorldProject. (Instagram updated its system forcing me to learn a new routine. Not to worry if yours hasn’t shown up yet. Check back.) Now off to the studio to finish your tile!