Patriotic polymer

Venus De Chela's earrings send a strong message and funds to Cuba on

Miami’s Venus De Chela usually takes her inspiration from paintings – Monet’s waterlilies or  Picasso’s women. Her latest collection, a mosaic of the Cuban flag, is closer to this Cuban-born artist’s heart.

“VIVA CUBA LIBRE Y VIVA,” she says as she raises money for her homeland. Her polymer earrings send a strong message.

A heart is born

You didn’t think PCD would get through Valentines Day without featuring Ron Lehocky, did you? Nope!

The problem was picking one. Ron has photos of his avid collecters bedecked in his pins. They make perfect gifts for any occasion.

This heart is just emerging from a great collaged sheet of veneer.

For those of you who don’t know Ron, he’s a Kentucky physician/teacher/author who has been creating heart pins for sale with all proceeds going to Louisville’s Kids Center since 2005. He’s aiming to hit 50,000 hearts in his fundraising effort. He’s the undisputed king of hearts and this is his day.