Living with polymer

Alev Gozonar renovates with polymer in the kitchen on

Turkey’s Alev Gozonar moved from Istanbul to Ayvyalik, a small historic village 270 miles south. As part of the makeover of her old stone house, Alev added a polymer backsplash in the kitchen.

Alev Gozonar renovates with polymer in the kitchen on

She covered vertical 10″ ceramic tiles with baked polymer veneers in an assortment of bargello-like patterns. She glued the baked veneers onto the tiles with superglue.

Integrating polymer into your home decor adds your very personal touch – plus it’s inexpensive. Got a backsplash that’s in need of an update? Think polymer.

See more on her Instagram and Facebook and follow her renovations there.

Chasing polymer finials

This picture of Mareike Scharmer’s bright polymer finials on a fence in Germany threw me completely off track. The time I should have spent researching and writing other projects was sucked away and replaced with hours of tracking down links, translating captions, joining groups, and laughing at her riotous designs. You’ve been warned.

Mareike is a designer who specializes in rooms and library spaces for children, complete with furniture and murals. Her own house makeover is simply stunning with a Wonderland/Dr. Seuss feel from top to bottom.

There’s a smattering of polymer in Mareike’s projects. I’m betting there will be more. It’s interesting that her favorite Flickr pictures are mostly from other polymer artists (which led me all over the globe). You’re on your own. I’m not responsible.