Manly polymer

Juliya Laukhina whips up some manly polymer gifts on

There’s time this weekend to whip up a manly soap dish for Father’s Day or just for fun. These are from Moscow’s Juliya Laukhina and are intended for her brother.

Juliya Laukhina whips up some manly polymer gifts on

The men will be impressed that the patterns are composed of scrap. Use a Stroppel cane or Kim Korringa’s mosaic trick or some other variation of a scrap veneer.

Useful, not too fussy, and made with love – what more could your men want?

If you need more fresh-squeezed creative juices, head on over to StudioMojo to see what goodies we pulled out of our stash of new ideas and products that wouldn’t fit into PCD.There’s so much going on! Our juices are flowing.  

Dad’s ties in polymer

Olja brings silk ties to polymer on

These pieces from Germany’s Olja (@olgasmodeschmuck) look like men’s silk tie patterns.

There’s something very buttoned-down and crisp about the blue gradations intersected by gold lines. The bail is made from the same clay.

The polka-dotted element loosens up the tight geometry.

I couldn’t find much info on Olja. Care to comment with some details or links?