Polymer copying

Stories about copying often get ugly and contentious but not this one. This copying/sharing story is about generosity and hope.
Years ago Lindly Haunani gave the women of Samunnat Nepal permission to produce a few of her necklaces. Enough to purchase a storage cabinet that they needed.
Lindly’s petal designs contain echoes of her Hawaiian heritage. The bright flowers also resonated with Nepali culture.
The women so loved making the lei from Lindly and Maggie’s Color Inspiration book that it became a staple of their collection with Lindly’s blessing.
Lindly’s leis became Samunnat’s malas (modeled here by Sanjana) and the women’s project continues to flourish,
Wendy Moore’s post explains the story on their new website. Sign up for their newsletter for a chance to win one of the women’s latest necklaces.

Scroll to the bottom of the first page on their new site and sign up at “keep in touch”