Some folks already have their copy of this new Katherine Aimone book from Lark….and it's killing me. Amazon isn't shipping yet (though the ship date says June 7) and my order is languishing in the queue. Lark doesn't even show it on their site.

Those who have advance copies say that it's the best thing to come along for some time with high level projects and a cool gallery of exceptional work. Sandra McCaw agreed to let us publish this picture of her new work which is featured in the book (and on its cover). The delicate translucent petals beg you to touch them.
If you're one of those fortunate early recipients, feed me some tips or pictures. Does anyone know what the delay is about?
barb fajardo ,
Not sure what the delay is about Cynthia…I’m waiting for mine too. But I saw it at Barne’s and Noble and couldn’t help sneaking a peak. It’s looks like a fantastic book from my quick thumb through.
Libby Mills ,
Amazon was slow in shipping the 400 Polymer Clay Designs book when it first came out too. Barnes & Noble stores have copies. It’s really gorgeous, a cross between an art book and a project book.
I preordered my copy before Christmas and my late Christmas present arrived from Amazon last week. Hopefully you will receive yours soon. The projects are beautiful but I am disappointed in the minimal step by step photos. Definately not for beginners. Also no brand names are mentioned in the supply and material lists. Still a must have book though.
Barnes and Noble had trouble finding it at Sawmill and then told me only Easton and Polaris might have it in stock. I checked and they do, but limited quantities.
This book is Gorgeous. And thats not just because I’m a featured artist in it. It’s one I am sure everyone will want in their library.
I have waited up to months for amazon to list a new book that I have been waiting for. If you are having trouble finding this latest must have, it is available on the Canadian bookstore website indigo (www.indigo.ca) for 22.07 CDN and claims to ship in 24 hours.
Hope you receive yours soon!
Barbara Forbes-Lyons ,
Don’t know what the delay is – my copy shipped from Overstock.com while I was at B&B and was waiting for me when I got home. I agree – the projects are definitely a ‘higher level’ although there is a good intro-to-clay section for less experienced clayers.
I live in Austria / Europe and I´ve got this book last monday!!!!!!
I ordered it by Amazon a half year ago. It is worth every Cent I spent for it. It improves my English – and my claying. Good luck for all, who are waiting for it.
Melanie West ,
I got a peek at Martha Aleo’s copy a week or so ago… just wonderful! I was delighted to see Seth had a project featured… I have to get a copy just for that! ;-D
I’ve had a number of books from Amazon delayed in the last several months – I don’t know why. But it”s definately worth the wait.
I purchased mine, advance order, through Crafter’s Choice Book Club and it arrived a few weeks ago. It is one of the best clay books to come out in a while in regards to high caliber pc artists. I’ve been collecting pc books for over 12 years and this one ranks in my top 5!
Jenn Dorion ,
IIRC, Lark Books is affiliated with B&N in some manner… they’re probably holding back on the Amazon copies to give the bricks & mortar store a chance to make some sales. That said, my copy is on order from Amazon & I can’t wait to see it. The glowing reviews I’m seeing here are heightening the anticipation.
I have 3! don’t ask me how that happened… Here is my EBAY description for the 2 I am selling:This is a brand new, unused book. The Art of Jewelry Polymer Clay – Techniques Projects Inspiration by Katherine Duncan Aimone. It is a Lark book. It has MAJOR artists doing really stunning projects. They include: Judith Skinner, Louise Fischer Cozzi, SL Savarick, Julia Sober, Jacqueline Lee, Leslie Blackford, Sancra McCaw, Jeffrey Lloyd Dever, Jennifer Bezingue, Lindly Haunani, Wendy Wallin Malinow, Mari O’Dell, Pier & Penina, and Stephanie Jones Rubiano. There is also an awesome Gallery of Pictures.
This is my absolutely favorite book! regards, nt
naama zamir ,
i just got my copy and it is excelent- this is really for advanced users cause ther are not so many pictures per project but there is enough info to use… cant wait to try and make one of Jefery Loyd Dever’s organic forms…
I preordered Aimone’s book on Amazon (I think)last December. Saw it in B&N two weeks ago in Manhattan. The Queens store didn’t have it. It was so luscious that I broke down and purchased it for myself from B&N. Then I started spreading the word among my Guild members. While doing so the pre-ordered copy from Amazon arrived this Monday past. That makes one for me and one for my Guild. I’m the Librarian for the NYCity Polymer Clay Guild. I’m sorry if I’m hogging all the available copies on the East Coast. I really didn’t mean to.
Book-wise! I agree with fellow clay artists…
this one is done at a much higher level than a lot of the other books on the subject. There’s a lot of re-inventing the wheel going on and it’s wonderful to see some “cutting edge” work being shared. One criticism: there’s no Resources Section at the back to tell me what the heck rabbit-skin glue granules is from the
Fresco beads section by SL Savarick.
Hey SL Here. Rabbit-skin glue is used in Gesso and has some other uses in printmaking and paper and book arts. I get mine online at either Dick Blick or Daniel Smith. Just do a search for rabbit-skin glue. I like it because it is archival and does some things no other substance can do,
This book is AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!!! I just recieved my copy and i am soooooo pleased to finally have a book that takes us into the advanced sector of learning for polyclay!! YEY!! Most all the artists teaching in this book are ones I wanted to learn from but couldn’t because I’m in the UK. The only thing I want to know now is this; How in the HELL does Kathleen Dustin create that gold leaf layering look??!! It looks like gold transparent salmon flakes!! AMAZING…. I live to learn.