Bouquets to all of you for your support this week. Yes, I got the book (and cancelled my online order) and yes, my ear is healing and I'm feeling fine. Thanks for all your comments and good wishes.
The bouquets come from Florida artists you won't find in many books. Nancy Bundy and Bob Paris have been working at polymer clay for years but driving their motor home from show to show every summer hasn't left them much time for publishing.

Now that they're paring down to two shows a year, Nancy's wonderful flower collages have taken on more dimension and Bob is developing his considerable talents in the wheeling and dealing arts. Bob's a great sport and you shouldn't miss the pictures of him reducing an 18-pound cane (click on the "next" button).
Have a wonderful weekend. Fireworks remind me of the works of Grove and Grove. I'll dig out those pieces for Monday. Stay tuned.
Kim Cavender ,
I was lucky enough to pick up one of these gorgeous creations at Shrinemont this year. The colors are yummy and they look even more amazing in person. Nice to see their beautiful work featured here.