Elise Winters has added some delicious new work to her site. What a great way to start your week. I'm particularly fond of her undulating cuff bracelets.

Elise also participated in one of Craftcast's podcasts. The half hour show starts slowly but it's worth persisting (or fast-forwarding) to the second half when Elise talks about envy, inspiration and pricing.

Elise is a spokesperson for the Englewood Hospital Breast Cancer Walk for Awareness on October 22. As a thank you, Elise sends donors a small polymer clay pink ribbon pin.

  • reply Judy Dunn ,

    Wow! The bracelets are knockouts. The boa bracelets look like a boa that has swallowed some beads! And the Inner Skinner bracelet is fascinating. All of them show an amazing talent with construction and design….in addition to her beautiful surface work.

    The Craftcast podcast is definitely worth a listen.

    Thanks again for the discovery.


    • reply Julie ,

      I’ve always been a major fan of Elise Winters, and this is just icing on the cake…geez, she’s brilliant!

      • reply stephanie ,

        this site is awesome, i loved the bracelets, what beautiful work! stephanie

        • reply barb ,

          I thought Elise’s work was a major inspiration before, but now, after listening to her words, I can totally identify. I hope to meet her someday…she seems like a wonderful person!

          • reply Melanie West ,

            Thanks so much for bringing Elise’s new work to us, Cynthia! Just when you think someone has reached perfection, they out do themselves. Wow! VERY inspirational.

            • reply sari0009 ,

              Elise’s genius flairs and floats gently around the lengths of her aptly named Con Brio and Floating Flair necklaces from 2004.

              Her Skinner Inner Cinch Bracelet, 2006 is also…wow!

              And craft podcasts? Yes!


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