Texas’ Tricia Dewey is a fresh face on this site. Her bio says she’s a nurse and astronomer who’s now pursuing an art degree. Lots of diverse interests and talents there and it shows on her site (she’s also a web developer).
New week, new name (she’s already been in several publications) thanks to Robin Johnston. A pretty palette to start your week.
Wow! I love the way Tricia incorporates classical images with polymer. Very inspiring.
Tricia is a member of our guild. This piece is just a sample of what this talented lady can do. I treasure the ornament I received yesterday as a swap at our meeting. Look for more of her pieces as she submits them!
I’m also in the NTPCG with Tricia – we had our Holiday Party yesterday and I’m really jealous that I didn’t draw Tricia’s number – one of these days I WILL be a recipient of what Tricia makes in our swaps! lol (I’m determined!) Her art is inspirational to many – especially the way she utilizes colors and balance . Be sure to check out her website!
Gorgeous work. I love the asymetry she uses in her work, too. And the often subtle but glowing colors.
I’m a lucky owner of several of Tricia’s pieces from a fund raiser for our guild (Tricia and I belong to the same PC Guild). There was quite a bidding war for this talented artist’s work. Her pieces are so organic and primitive in feeling, yet so sophisticated in execution. Gorgeous colors too!
Shelley T