I’m not usually drawn to lizards and snakes but these are spectacular ones made of polymer clay by Sandra Lee, a western U.S. artist.

There’s little information about her on her photo site and she doesn’t google well. (Please comment if you know her.) Sandra’s lizards on intricately painted gourds are something to behold.

With the fires out west, one starts to consider the fate of creatures like this regal horned lizard. Of course my eye gravitated to the Huichol-like colorful snakes she creates as well. Many thanks to Kim Cavender who spotted this new treasure for us.

  • reply Marcie ,

    Sandra’s work is wonderful and her Picasa site an awsome example of how that tool should be used.

    However yesterday one of the participants on the PCC forum uncovered a huge problem. The Picasa site (not Sandra’s pages) seems to contain a huge number of copywritten polymer clay books that have been scanned and posted in their entirety. Almost every well known author/artist had been hit.

    Amazingly enough, turning in copyright infringement requires written notice by snail mail. Other content problems can be turned in via electronic complaint.

    If you have a written a book you should take a look and let your publisher know.

    • reply Toby ,

      • reply Nat Childs ,

        Sandra Lee is my wife! She can be reached via my email address. Our home is in the hills of Humboldt County, in northern CA but we winter in the desert near Quartzsite, AZ. It’s fun to see Sandee’s work exposed like this. While most of her work to date features creatures of the desert she will likely be sculpting some from this part of the world. They’ll be posted on our Picasaweb site when they’re ready.

        Most of her sculptures are of polymer clay painted with acrylics, but she’s recently done some very detailed and imaginitive work with colored polymer which are shown on our site.

        By the way, the second of the links Toby offered is not Sandee’s work (the first is).

        • reply terri williamson ,

          I just bought a piece by Sandra Lee and I would like to know more about her and see more examples of her work! Thanks, Terri

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