France’s Cristalline signed into the guest book with this polymer clay roses necklace. It’s a bountiful botanical piece that combines crystals, wire, seed beeds and polymer into a virtual garden.
It will take a diva to wear this lovely sumptuous piece.
The English translation of her blog isn’t really helpful but the pictures are explanation enough. I particularly enjoyed Cristalline’s tutorials…no English translation necessary. Thanks for getting our week off to a rosey start.
Bettina Welker ,
wow, that’s an amazing piece – would like to see it in person….awesome work!!!
Cristalline ,
what a pleasant surprised to find me here ! An enormous thank you with you to make me this honor, I am very moved by it !
Wonderful eye candy! WOW! Does ANYONE know of a rose tutorial? U wold greatly appreciate it. kristykellymail@yahoo.com
Amy Crawley ,
Cristalline’s necklace is just stunning! Congratulatinos Cristalline.
Ponsawan ,
Cristalline has a lot of tutorials on her blog including the Rose tutorial. Cristalline and others French Polymer clay Artists had inspired me to share the knowledge and experiences with others around the world by posting free tutorial on our web sites.
cloud777 ,
The theme of roses is always so perfectly! It and excites me, I for a long time already do ” the Necklace of roses “. Would like to show you some the works:
I very much like yours blog and I often read it!
Sera Pinwill ,
This is gorgeous.
I’d love to know how its connected to the silver collier.
The way she’s used colour in this piece is what makes it WOW instead of just plain ‘awesome’ 🙂
Kitty ,
I love her work and this necklace is awesome!!!
isa ,
Congratulations to Cristalline, she is one of the best polymerist in France and she doesn’t matter to explain how to do with polymer…As she has a lot of good ideas to create….clap clap clap!!!!
Loved the multicolored rose necklace for its original look! It reflects a profound love of the earth through the lover’s flower by making each one individual in essence! I think it is marvelous that Cristalline is confident enough to share her artistic talents/tips with the world at large as well! Just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your polymer clay creations with us here in polymerclaydaily.com!
very beautiful necklace.
Another french polymerist women makes wonderfull jewellery with roses and hearts : http://pagesperso-orange.fr/le-coeur-des-roses/impressionnistes.htm