Fran Abrams’ small-scale three-dimensional polymer clay works are on exhibit through August 19 at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Education Center in Federick, MD. Many of her pieces are sculptural and are presented in deep shadow box frames. Viewers often think that they are seeing fabric. The piece at the left is called "Stay Warm."

"I find polymer clay fascinating because I can work with color, form and texture at the same time," says Abrams.
Mary Sumner sent the link along after her aunt saw the exhibit and remarked on the pieces. There’s not much on Abrams on the web and we’d love to see more of her work if you’ve got a source.
Barbara Forbes-Lyons ,
Unfortunately it appears that her web site is non functional. I did find a hotmail e-mail address for her, but that’s about it. I wonder if anyone in the MD guild’s knows her?
bencandance ,
That is incredible; it looks just like fabric! I love the bright colors!
Thanks for the nice comments. Sorry my website is down. I’m working on getting it functional again.
Much of my work is intended to look like fabric. I enjoy feeling how a sheet of clay behaves like fabric before it is baked and then can look like “solid” fabric after it is baked.
Fran Abrams
Rockville, MD
fran.abrams at gmail.com