Donna Kato credits the Peter Chang book, It’s Only Plastic, that she was given by her hosts Natalia and Dani in Spain as the impetus for lifting her out of a creative slump. When you look through this Scottish artist’s work here and here, you’ll understand why. Chang’s acrylic, resin and PVC creations are surreal, graceful and bright.

I was also reminded of a polymer clay bead made by my first teacher, Carol Shelton, some years back and now in Hollie Mion’s collection. We knew that Carol’s design held possibilities. It’s fun to see an idea bounce around the world, change and blossom again.
Barbara Forbes-Lyons ,
If that doesn’t inspire creativity, I don’t know what will!
Barb Fajardo ,
Here’s another beautiful source for inspiration:
Lynda ,
thank you for all these sources for inspiration!!
They is fabulous
Barbara Forbes-Lyons ,
I just got the Ernst Haeckel book on your recommendation, Barb. It’s on sale through Dover Publications (and they’re having a great clearance sale right now).
Emma Reid ,
Thanks for pointing out Peter Chang – it turns out there is going to be an exhibition featuring his work later this year in Glasgow so I’ll definitely go along and have a look.
Donna ,
Oh Emma, lucky, lucky you! If you meet him, please thank him for me! And give him a big hug, too. Just kidding….
Bye, D
There are great parallel between Chang’s and Donna’s work. Both are inspiring to artists working with other medium such as styrofoam, clay(ceramics), metal or wood. The beauty lies in the fact that the compactness of Peter’s and Donna’s work are great doors that can lead to work of a different scale. Your use of colors are eye candies to both 2Ds and 3Ds artists. Thank you kindly for sharing.
I know this post is a little on the late side….I found this post ….has given me the courage to do my own work a bit more truthfully…..thank you so much for your breadth of coverage…