France’s Mathilde Colas’ colorful site is just what we need to begin a glorious weekend. Take a look at her glowing work. She has several books in print and a new one out next month.

The link was sent in by Wisconsin’s Sari009 whose site is a fun diversion as well (caution, it loaded slowly for me). Have a great Labor Day weekend.
jana ,
(just spent waaay too long at Mathilde’s site)…wasn’t that fun! I was totally sucked into looking at _each_ photo on her site. So many unique elements to her designs, and she has such a nice sense of style. Thanks for sharing this. I completely enjoyed browsing through her beautiful and interesting work!
Almost like Donna Kato with a French accent, oui?! (OK, maybe the similarities are in my imagination…) Really nice work!
Lori G ,
Wow. Where do you find all of these great artists and pieces. Those are incredible!
Lynda ,
I do not weary myself, to go to see his photographs!!!! It is an artist with much talent, I is not had yet the occasion to meet her, can be one day…!!!!
Mathilde is a great artist . I am following her career from afar since the beginning. She has a great sense of colour and style.I just love what she does. Thank you for mentionning her here.
Lunes ,
What a stunning site – and French too!
Beautiful inspirational designs.
nadège ,
Can we have the reference of the book ? the name of the autor and editor ?
thanks you !
nadège ,
oups ! sorry I’ven’t see that it is Mathilde Colas’ book !
Sera Pinwill ,
Sherry Bailey said: “Almost like Donna Kato with a French Accent….”
Eggzackly what I was thinking!
A fun way to pass a boring afternoon in my office
I would love to have an English version of her book! Her site was fantastic!!!! I love the way she includes a variety of textures. Love her.
Domitsu ,
Congratulations Mathilde !!!
A French Fan…
Mathilde’s work is so wonderful, and I kept checking for her new book on Amazon but it’s not there yet.
I went to her site today to see if more info is available and found a link to a French book site where you can order it directly. (It’s also in French and mine is VERY rusty, but it’s pretty intuitive to navigate to complete an order.) Here is the url: http://www.editionslinedite.com/lineditexx-ref-1572-titre-Id%E9es%2Bnouvelles%2Ben%2Bp%E2te%2Bpolym%E8re.html?PHPSESSID=da35e616e0357e08f4e1b19cd113b0fa