One more plug for our own Leslie Blackford whose polymer clay covered nightlights will be featured in the October 20-21 Maker Faire in Austin, TX. Maker Faire is a two-day event that celebrates arts, crafts, engineering, science projects and the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) mindset.
The DIY movement is helping to revitalize the polymer clay community and Leslie Jo is our canary in this coal mine. Craft and Make magazines are dense quarterly magazines full of quirky and clever ideas. Want to know where young artists are headed? Take a look. Maybe we’ll even be making our own plastic in the future!
Julie ,
Congrats to our well-deserving canary!!!
What a fun sounding show! And what a perfect venue for Leslie. Congratulations. BTW-I went to the maker fair website and there are very cool and funny time saving videos. My favorite was turbo parking. The best tip?-quick peel and egg.
Um?? Cynthia?? Coalmine canaries tend to die young!!! Kind of a scarey analogy!!! (Not that I can think of a better one, offhand!)
Congrats to Leslie, though!
Jeannie Havel ,
Glad to see Leslie involved in Maker Faire. As a charter subscriber of both Make and Craft (and Make: Daily by email each morning), I’m thrilled you included these slightly-ahead-of-the-edge magazines in your Blog.
My imagination is piqued by your display of cascading canes. What lies beyond those swirling circles of color, I wonder?
You should think about sending your project to either Make OR Craft. It’s not everyone who cuts circles and packs clay into their hardwood floors. What better example of “build, craft, hack, play, MAKE.
Thanks for continuing to bring us the blazingly hip.
Margaret Donnelly ,
I was lucky enough to be invited to be a demonstrator at the Maker Faire in San Mateo, California in May. It is a mind-boggling mish-mash of technology, art and innovation. Unfortunately, as a demonstrator, I had NO time to see the faire beyond my building, but what I saw was amazing. Leslie’s polymer clay lights are going to be a huge hit. Her unique point of view, combined with an approachable art, will fittingly mesmerize her audience! Have a great time, Leslie!
It is such an honor to have been featured on PC daily this month.
Thank you ,Cynthia. I love you really big!
I am looking forward to the Maker Fair so very much. My 16 year old son, Luke turned me on to MAKE &CRAFT a few months ago and I have been hooked ever since. Thank you guys so much for the congrats. Maragret D. ,Thank you for your help in giving me the briefing about what to expect . ~hugs~Leslie
Hi Leslie, Iwas wondering how these plug into light up, they are really whimsical and cute. ia m doing my babys’ room and would like to make her one. Do I need a light kit?
Hi Garlinda,
How sweet to make one for your baby’s room. They make great baby shower gifts.
You do not really need a light kit, I use a class globe (the Glade candle globes work really well once the candle has burnt away. You can order a “clip light ” from factorydirect.com . You make a hole into the bottom or back of the the clay piece and the light just clips right in. It only uses a 4 watt bulb so there is no danger of burnig the clay. Hope this helps.~Leslie