Take a peek at Grant Diffendaffer’s updated site where his new polymer clay work and upcoming book are featured. His blog is called Many Parts – the definition of poly-mer, get it?
Grant’s Polymer Clay Beads book will be out from Lark Books in January and it boasts twenty different beadmaking techniques and thirteen pieces of jewelry. "Learn my latest techniques for lathe turned and textured beads, mica beads, recursive molded beads, mandrel formed beads, hollow form beads and more," he promises.

His extruded and lathe-turned bead technique is simply a wonder to behold. If you’re itching to learn something completely different and can’t wait for the book, he’s got a class coming up in San Antonio in October.
And speaking of classes, Dan Cormier still has a few seats left in his October 13 "Form and Finish" class at the ArtWay in Maryland. The rest of his east coast tour is sold out.
Grant Diffendaffer ,
Well I hoped I would make Polymer Clay Daily on the first day of my new website. Thanks Cynthia!
I imagine those Dan Cormier classes will sell out quick. His work is impeccable and he and Traci make excellent teaching partners. Sometimes people don’t understand what it takes to come up with new techniques the way Dan does. It takes a lot of love, devotion, and hard work, not to mention natural talent and the mind of a mad scientist. He’s a polymer clay braniac, and you can rest assured that when he brings his new techniques to town that he will have all the kinks worked out and a slam dunk presentation to boot.
The blog looks great Cynthia, keep up the good work.
Ponsawan ,
The whole world need to see Grant’s beads. There is no better place to have a premier than just here.
Hi Cynthia,
Thanks so much for helping to get the word out. It’s going to be a great tour and I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone that will be attending my classes. See you all soon!
Hey Grant,
Pretty much everything you said about me I could say about you. So why don’t we just settle things here and now with that duel of Rockem’-Sockem’ Robots that you still owe me. In all seriousness thank you for saying such nice things about me. You are generous and kind. You are also an original thinker. You have the ability to take an idea and twist it and strech it beyond the point that most would expect it can go until you are looking at something entirely new. I am a big fan of what you do and I look forward to following along with you wherever you will go on your new blog. Kudos! It looks great and it’s a treat to see the new work. It’s making me hungry for your book.
P.S. The Steampunk Treehouse looked amazing!
Natalia ,
he, he, sooooo nice to read you both here!
I wish you guys all the luck in your proyects, Grant’s book and Dan’s clasess, you really deserve it.
They are for sure the most atractive and funny guys we have around in polymer clay world, so I would not miss the opportunity to meet them, no way!!!
Grant Diffendaffer ,
Hello again. I noticed that you linked to my book on Amazon. Just wanted to point out that it is available for pre-order directly from me on my website: http://diffendaffer.com/?page_id=23
(Oh, and check out my new online jewelry shopping, up today)