The blog written by France’s proclaimed Queen of Clay, Sylvie Perrin, is perfect for Friday. I have no idea what the text on her blog says (and it’s too late to bother my French connection) but the pictures had me laughing and in awe of her technique. Sylvie has worked in polymer clay since she was a child and she’s still having a grand time.

Be sure to catch the fabulous tutorial that’s on her biography page (click the woman in red at the bottom of her home page)!
I hope the work in your studio is as effortless and productive as Sylvie demonstrates. If you need more, here’s her illustration portfolio.
doreen kassel ,
it’s wonderful! for english, click the english icon on the left.
Thank you, Cynthia 😉
I haven’t seen this artist’s work before – I like her style.
Heather 🙂
i am a big fan of hers. She has a very keen sense of “humour”.
Her ads are always aresting and to the point!
Thank you for showing her work.
Lunes ,
Wow some refreshing amusing objects. I wonder who she models them on? Carla Bruni must be in there somewhere I’m sure!
Wow, what a talented artist and graphic designer, when does she sleep?
Ample Sanity ,
[…] Tinapple, of Polymer Clay Daily never fails to post something that totally knocks my socks off: Perrin’s Delightful Tutorial. Also, Matthew Mead has posted fresh ideas and inspiration for Spring. Working all night, […]
Tatieva ,
Wouah, quelle surprise de voir QueenOfClay par ici !
Et je découvres tout plein d’artistes que j’aime beaucoup !
Une vraie richesse, ce blog.
Kisses from France,
Tatieva, painter