Look at the newest commissions that Alev Gozonar has created for a Turkish hotel using polymer clay cane slices. Her 20″ square sculptural pieces create patterns from fields of slices and remind us that those pretty little designs can be used to make bigger, bolder statements.

Gail Froula McIntyre is displaying her cane work on a new website. I’m loving the innovative use of those fancy circular paperclips as a finding (at least that’s what I’m guessing they are). The link to the new site is from Barbara Fajardo who knows her way around canes too.
Melanie West ,
Brava, Alev! You’re an amazing artist, my friend. Keep it coming! (Oh, and I have yet to talk to my architect brother about meeting up with you next time he’s in Turkey… but I will!)
alevG ,
Thanks Melanie,
Please let me know when he is coming ..I ll also send you some photos