Christi Freisen’s “Face in the Crowd” polymer clay wall sculpture is my all-time Thanksgiving favorite because it epitomizes what my house looks like on this feast day (28 for turkey dinner) and makes me smile.
It also reminds me of what I’m thankful for…the polymer clay community. We’ve collected an interesting bunch of artists from around the world in three short years.
I’m thankful for your continued participation in this site and inspired by the work that you bring to it. Thank you. And happy Thanksgiving.
Melanie West ,
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Cynthia, and to all who frequent this wonderful fount of resources and inspiration! I’m not one for dragons and such, but Christi’s “Face in the Clouds” is delightful, and I can only imagine what your home looks like today, Cynthia.
Now it’s off to Tom’s sister’s house this morning to stuff ourselves with gobs of gobbles!
Ponsawan ,
Happy Turkey’s day to you. Me too, also thankful for the clay community and my clay friends who had given me the love and support that I need to go through my day.
I am thankful for you to keep the me inspired.
Happy Thanksgiving to you also, Cynthia. I haven’t had that many for dinner in a long time but I remember what a busy and happy time that was. I hope all went well.
I too am thankfull for the clay community and people like you who share so much. I love Christi new wall sculpture. Thanks so much for shaing it with us. I would like to make reference to your post on my blog site if you don’t mind. I think my readers would like to see that also.