Two Finnish polymer clay artists, Petteri Leppikallio and Pörrö Sahlberg (Hiidet), have launched monthly challenges for themselves that they’re posting on their site. Their blog posts (this is just a small sampling) are becoming an online sketchbook and a visual glossary that they hope will inspire others.
This month Pörrö has been using two colors which she shapes into basic shapes using basic techniques. Petteri, a woodworker, has been exploring textures.

The ground rules for the year-long project specify that the ideas are more important than results.
“I need to study simplicity. There are tons of techniques available in the literature and the net, however I feel the simplest things and themes are somewhat unstudied. There must be lots of new ways to do old things and probably some new ideas rise from repeating the old ones,” says Pörrö.
With their studious and structured approach, their collaboration will be a fascinating one to follow.
Caren Goodrich ,
Hooray for Porro! Simplicity is the key. I keep the word “simplicity” in mind when I’m doing a painting or making something out of polymer. It’s easy to complicate things, harder to keep it simple. Thanks for posting the info on Petteri and Porro. Yes indeed it is inspiring.