Need a shot of inspiration to jumpstart your week and validate your choice of polymer clay as your medium? Take a look at American Style magazine’s February April issue. (I must have gotten an early copy…it should be on newstands very soon. Read the web version for now.)
Arts Focus: More Than Meets the Eye looks at how polymer clay is stretching the boundaries of art and covers a few artists who are moving the medium forward (like Merrie Buchsbaum whose pendant is pictured here).
Not only are there flattering profiles of fourteen polymer clay artists, but also three full pages of polymer art ads (click each page to see a larger version). Pretty impressive showing!
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Susan ,
Polymer clay rising indeed! For those of us who love the medium, we welcome this long-overdue validation with open arms, full hearts and renewed conviction to continue our work with polymer clay.
Congratulations to all of the artists featured in the article – well deserved accolades for outstanding designs, skill and craftsmanship.
And thanks Cynthia – for always having your finger on the pulse of the polymer clay world!
Went to find the February Issue of American Style and it was a blue cover with no polymer clay. I hope it’s the March Issue?
Michelle ,
It’s the April issue. It’s a great feature! ‘Would’ve loved to have been included…maybe next time.
Yum! Beautiful stuff for the world to see!
Lisa Clarke ,
Thanks for the heads-up on this! I just ordered a case of them 🙂
Kate Clawson ,
Great Article, and great they are finally realizing it is a true ‘ART’ medium. I just wanted to add a correction here if I may. There was another full page ad with 16 more artists ( I was one of them 🙂 ) So all in all we made a pretty big impact to let the art world know what can be done with ‘plastic’ 😉
I have worked in Polymer clays for years…. I’m so happy to see this site!
I do art dolls in Polymer clay~
Dora ,
How wonderful that polymer clay is finally receiving recognition as a ‘serious’ art medium ! I will definitely get a copy of American Style !