K’Seia is part of Gera Scott Chandler‘s Beach Woman series. Gera says she’s revisiting the theme and going back to her starting point.
Something about this evocative creature draped in her polymer clay beads and pebbles from the beaches of Vancouver reminds me of you bead goddesses (and gods) clattering down streets all over the world in your finery.
Gera has nicely captured K’Seia’s grace, magic and power. Perhaps it’s the hint of obsession that reminds me of polymer artists. (I made nothing but polymer clay bananas this week so I know about obsession.)
See earlier posts about Gera’s art dolls here and her Etsy gallery here. Have an inspired weekend.
Patricia Kramer ,
Yes, banana earrings are a good idea… I’ve sold a few pair… do banana peel earrings and sell them at a comedy club! Oh, love your bananas! good work!
Melanie West ,
I’m not usually a doll kinda gal, but I LOVE Gera’s K’Seia. I especially like her hair… looks like she just arose from a bed of seaweed. My kinda gal!
Keep the Beach Women comin’ Gera!