Virginia’s Liz Hall combines whatever media catches her eye into contemporary designs which contain both organic and geometric forms.
Luckily polymer clay recently caught her eye and she shows several metal, PMC and polymer pieces on her site and in her Etsy gallery. This pendant is entitled Here We Go. Liz was a 2008 Saul Bell Award finalist.
Thanks to Ronna Weltman for a new link to this week’s inspirational kickstart.
Perchance, does Liz Hall’s delightful piece entitled “Here We Go” make reference to the Steelers’ song? Me thinks there is a connection between the black and gold, the title and Pittsburgh.
Lorrene Davis ,
Thanks for showing Liz Hall’s work. Her amazing piece on her ‘Gallery’ icon was featured in my stone setting book. I just love the way you are bringing in some past posts.
Keep on keeping on.
Sheri Williamson ,
Nice! It has a “Beetlejuice” feel to it, don’t you think? I can see it around the neck of Delia Deetz, echoing her avant-garde spit curls.
Liz Hall ,
Wow thank you so much for including my work here! I have been checking into this wonderful site almost daily to see all the great works, get tips, etc. And what a wonderful surprise to see one of my pieces featured.
Carol, that is so funny you should say that…No connection what so ever to the Steelers, but funny enough I grew up in Pittsburgh and love the Steelers! So maybe subconsciously that came into play. Back in the day (college) I did a lot of jewelry with plexi glass, some of my favorite colors to work with where black, white and yellow/gold. I also did a lot with checkers, striped worms shapes, etc. So I think I am going back to my youth with the polymer clays. The title for the piece came about from being encouraged by artist friends to keep up combining the polymers with my silver clay pieces, so this was my “here we go” on this endeavor.
Thanks again for including my piece, I am thrilled!
Martha Aleo ,
A well designed and beautiful marriage of metal and polymer clay.