Doll-maker and polymer artist Cynthia Malbon gives a guided tour through her Weare, NH home that will leave you relaxed and inspired. My favorite touch is her sculpted polymer clay faces used as drawer pulls on an old repainted dresser. They add surprise and Cynthia’s unmistakeable signature in a small upstairs bedroom.

Her warm colors and attention to detail make her farmhouse totally charming and that’s what you’d expect from someone who creates such lovingly crafted polymer clay dolls.
Cynthia’s been chosen one of eight finalists in an Eight O’clock Coffee contest (here’s the story and here’s her entry). If you’ve got a few minutes, go and vote for her. Signing up and jumping through a few hoops might help her win $10,000. Voting ends August 11.
iris mishly ,
so cute!
i can think of a drawer with a smile (clean) or a face (dirty) LOL
Caren Goodrich ,
Very nice use of polymer, to customize a dresser. Also love the house tour…the wood floors are to die for!
Lisa Clarke ,
The images of that beautiful house have inspired me to put down the laptop and do some cleaning around here! And in gratitude for the little push into much-needed domesticity today, I jumped through those hoops and voted. I hope she wins!
Jeannie ,
Your house is quite a home. Your dolls are beautiful. I can’t believe they’re polymer clay. I voted for you good luck.
Cynthia Malbon ,
What a pleasant surprise to find this post on your blog. I received google alert for the post. I can’t thank you & everyone else enough for your post, comments & votes. I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed in hopes that I’ll be the lucky winner of the $$. It sure would help out. The reason my house is so tidy is because I have it on the market right now. I love my home but I think I need to leave the top of this hill before I’m too old to get down off it.
Vanover’s modern mosaics and your votes at Polymer Clay Daily ,
[…] to all of you who responded to Monday’s post, Cynthia Malbon’s entry has inched up to the top of the list in the Eight O’Clock […]
BrendaLea ,
I’m going to vote…hope she wins!!!!