Polymer Clay Color Inspirations, the new book by Lindly Haunani and Maggie Maggio, has hit the bookstores just in time for the back-to-school season. This is the text you’ll need to advance in your polymer education. You can explore your color instincts and develop your own palettes through a series of projects.
Starting next Saturday, September 5, Maggie will be posting “Weekend Extras” on her blog to encourage you to go through each of the exercises in the book. You can send in your questions and comments as you work along.
Lindly and Maggie have long been friends of mine and I wrote the book’s forward (which is scintillating). I may be a bit biased but everyone agrees that they’re the best.
This week has taught me many things and made me appreciate what those of you with slow and unreliable connections have to endure. Thanks for your patience and your help. Have a spectacular weekend.
Beth Ackley ,
I just got my copy of their book. Fabulous! I can’t wait to do all the exercises.
I received my book yesterday. Wow! There are a number of excellent poly clay books out there, but this is the best. Thank you Lindly and Maggie for sharing your knowledge and expertise. Can’t wait to get started.
Jeannie ,
Missing PCD for one day I’m now going through withdrawls. I’m feeling sick and disorientated today.
Weekend Extras sounds exciting. I don’t know if I can wait for Sept. 5
What an honor to have Lindly and Maggie here with us. I hope I can keep up.
I have noticed that Borders and Barnes and Noble have been dwindling down their sections on such books on art, clay, design, jewelry, wire work, beads all that. What’s up with that?
Caren Goodrich ,
this book has been long anticipated by me and many others! wow, can’t wait to see it.
I received mine yesterday too, and couldn’t put it down. Very exciting! Thanks Maggie and Lindly!
I received my book and I must say that this book solidifies the medium of polymer clay as a true art form. Well organized, well thought out, and although it commands some time dedication, it is not intimidating.
I did study color theory in college (long ago) and this will be a great refresher course. This is a book to study, savor and enjoy.
Barbara Handy ,
Difficult internet or not I look forward to your daily post. Thank you so much for your time, inspiration, sharing, creativity, dedication and love of polymer clay. Keep up the spectatular work I ( and I’m sure many agree) appreciate all your efforts.
Louise Fischer Cozzi ,
Congrats to Maggie and Lindly! Can’t wait to read it.
LaLa ,
I just ordered mine from Amazon. It will arrive on Tuesday. Just in time for my flight to London. Perfect entertainment for a long flight. Thanks for the reminder! It was on my wish list just waiting to come home. I have been waiting for this book for a very long time!
I also must add that I look forward to your post every day! I have been visiting you for years and hope that you will continue on with this awesome work that you do!
Thank you! LaLa
Alice Stroppel ,
I certainly will be joining in the on weekend extras. What a wonderful thing for Maggie to do. I am looking forward to it. The book has everything you need to succeed with color. I join in to say I enjoy your blog and look forward to the “discoveries” you share with us. Thank you.
Probably the best book on color theory for polymer clay I’ve ever read …. and I have them all ….. while the projects seem limited, this book sets your wheels spinning on new ideas for your own art work.
Thanks so much.
Whens the next one coming ???
Jan Montarsi
Wow Lindly and Maggie: It’s drop dead gorgeous! All your artist shots are magnificent. What an inspiration they are to the polymer world. Kudos to Elise and Dan and Jeffrey and all the other artists for their unique work shown and mentioned here. To think, all this from little ole blocks of colored clay! Amazing!Thank you so much for all the time, thought and plain hard work that went into this tome.I just wish all polymer books were as thorough as this one is. The NY guild members have been texting, phoning, and e-mailing for practically the entire summer waiting breathlessly for the “color” book. My Barnes & Noble doesn’t want to hear my name anymore, I bugged them so much on the release date. The book is above and beyond what you both so patiently taught us at your workshops when you came to the Big Apple. The group of us here are already at work comparing your handy-dandy charts, instructions and the how-to’s. Some of the call-out pictures are too small for my taste, but that’s just a minor objection I have. I’m off on the yellow brick road tomorrow to find a laminator for the charts (a great idea) and to B&N for a second copy “to save,” for your autographs. This one is sure to be dogearred, highlighted, tagged and worn before the year is out. What a wonderful “gift” you have given the polymer world. You have colored my world rosy red! See you on the web in September.
Laura Godler
Arlene Schiek ,
This book really is wonderful. I studied color as part of my FA but I still get muddled from time to time. I’m going to try some of these exercises. Love the idea of a color inspiration box.
And thanks for this great forum…it really serves as a huge inspiration.
Lynda Dunham-Watkins ,
Can’t wait to get the book.
Amazing artists!
Sera ,
I’ve been waiting and waiting for this book! I ordered it from an online bookseller who claimed to have it 2 weeks ago – but it still hasn’t arrived
Mind you – everything takes AGES to get down under!
I just received my copy of the book yesterday, and as I was doing a quick flip through….I just kept saying WOW!. A truly beautiful and unique exploration of color and design in polymer clay. Congratulations to Lindly and Maggie for presenting such a thoughtful and inspirational book.
so my mother shows up with this book on sunday and after drooling on it together we promise to try and do the exercises. I am slowly working my way through, hitting every test and exercise. What a valuable tool and source Lindley and Maggie have given us. They should be proud!
Beadspiration ,
WOW. That cover is good enough to eat.
I just ordered my copy @Amazon. Thanks for the heads up. It worked.
Polymer Clay Color Inspiration « Crown Publishing - CrafterNews ,
[…] Polymer Clay Daily • Polymer Art Archive • Polymeri Online • Polymer Clay Etc. […]
J’ai reçu le livre : fabuleux !!
Dommage qu’il n’y ai pas de traduction en français car je ne comprend pas tout.
surtout les termes techniques….