Class photos usually include nice first efforts, simple projects and smiling group shots. The pictures from Sandra McCaw‘s classes in France are much more worth examining.
The class canes (at left) are very accomplished, the project pin (below) is lovely, and the group photos show the artists riding horses on beach! Great stuff to inspire your week.

HuereBlue captures students’ progress on her Flickr site and Chifonie shows her workshop pix here. Sandra’s making a return visit to Europe in 2010 with additional stops in Switzerland.
(Sandra’s been refining her method for years. I’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of these old snapshots.)
sevargences ,
ohhh yessss ! it was so great !!!!!!sandra is a very very great artist!!!
a wonderful week end !!!
Christine Dumont ,
The pictures tell of a fairytale time!
Jeannie ,
Looking at her cane work puts me in a spell. It’s mesmerizing.
audrey ,
These canes are too beautifuL Some day i hope to be 1/2 as good! I am just starting. I really loved your pictures!! Odd
Laurie Mika ,
So nice to see some of my French friends in the pictures! They are a very talented group of artists. It looks like it was a wonderful class!
Chifonie ,
Yes Laurie, it was indeed! We had a great time, learning and… singing too :))
Thank you again Sandra
Oh My, Does Sandra have a book for learning her polymer Clay projects. Not to copy but to learn the techniques?? I absolutely adore her work and I even love her picture!! My kind of gal. Doesn’t take herself too seriously, but her art is over the moon. God bless,
sandra ,
Thank you , Cynthia, and thank you ladies! Your warmth, creativity and fabulous singing all contributed to a weekend full of treasured memories!
I MUST find a way to get those old photos away from Cynthia!
Helen Cox ,
I see you have posted lovely work by Sandra, there are a few places left on her course here in the UK in January. If you could mention it I would be grateful.
January 23/24, 2010
Best wishes
Rossella ,
A beautiful work, congratulations to Sandra for her stunning art!!