You can look behind the scenes at Cynthia Toop’s latest polymer clay work by visiting the Flickr site of her Seattle jeweler/metalwork designer, Chuck Domitrovich.
His descriptions give you a sense of how the two collaborate and design their projects like this Summer Storm brooch which was part of a two-piece series.

Raking the last of the colorful leaves in our yard today made me think of this recent delightful polymer/wood branch by Afsaneh Tajvidi (JooJoo). The piece provides a fall landscaping backdrop for her snail series.
Ronna Sarvas Weltman ,
I think if I had to name my all-time favorite polymer clay jewelry artist, it would be Cynthia Toops. The artistry, the craftsmanship, the incredible variety, the growth and discovery in her work … but you don’t have to take my word for it. She and her husband, glass bead artist Dan Adams, have a self-published book called Beads & More at http://www.blurb.com.
jana ,
Everytime I see Cynthia’s work (besides being amazed by her artistic vision), I imagine her bent over her work, painstakingly placing each piece in place. Her precision and patience are lessons for me…if ever I’m tempted to rush through or bypass a step (a seemingly small one, but ultimately one which will affect the final visual craftsmanship of a piece), I think of her and know I can do better…
Loretta ,
and…check out that glass mosaic from Chuck’s Flickr page. Mind blowing. I agree with every word Ronna and Jana have said.
as regards joojoo…I’m not a huge fan of cute, but those little monsters on her blog made even an old hard-shelled crab like me smile. Especially the one with 3 eyes.
What the other ladies said!
Toops rocks!
Ronna Sarvas Weltman ,
I am rushing to get my act together (teaching beginner polymer class today) and then read Loretta’s comment and had to check out 3-eyes. It did indeed make me smile. Laugh even. The one-eyed monsters also rocked my boat. Here’s to Afsaneh taking “cute” to artistic heights. Even if you’re busy, it’s worth scrolling down to take a look at her creations … and her photography.
Klassywear ,
Beautiful work of art, well done