Johnson’s holiday monsters

Something about Nicole Johnson’s recent polymer clay MealyMonsters makes sense when it’s cold and snowy and the holiday rush is breathing down your neck. Deviant, dark and humorous looks just right and makes me smile at the madness.

Even Nicole’s ornaments have been taken over by monsters. “You see…monsters have a fondness for shiny and colorful objects so it makes sense that my monsters have begun to claim Christmas ornaments as their own,” she explains.

Visit her blog for ramblings on life with monsters and her Flickr site for more pix. Have a humorous weekend and make peace with your monsters.

  • reply Jeannie ,

    It’s 4 below here right now and the mealy monster with the snowman just warms my heart. I always wonder the thought process for such works of art like this.
    My monster is too cold to bother anyone right now.

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