Ponsawan Sila makes us grin as we end the week and begin a hot summer. Last summer her friend posed wearing a slice of real watermelon as a fashion statement from her garden.
Without missing a beat, Ponsawan created her own version in polymer. The rind is made from a mokume gane stack of shades of green. The interiors are Skinner blends of red to white.
She’ll be adding these rind rings to her Etsy store soon. Have a juicy weekend.
Lisa ,
That’s really cool! I visisted her blog and love the little mini Ring version of the bracelet too.
Maureen Carlson ,
I had the pleasure of sitting with Ponsawan for three days during the 2009 IPCA retreat. She is clever. Always. Unexpectedly. With words. With those twinkling eyes. AND with clay.
I think wearing one of those bracelets would make one feel fresh breezes.
Fabulous summer fun!!!
Trina Williams ,
I would probably try to eat it!
Jeannie ,
Really COOL! It makes me crave a piece of watermelon.
Maureen Thomas ,
It just screams SUMMER! Very fun!!!
Ponsawan ,
Thanks Cynthia and thanks Maureen, you always find the special words to describe me. I don’t even know I have such qualifications.
marcia ,
Too cute!!! Love it! I need to find out how I can get one.
Anita Brandon ,
So much fun and so well done. That’s one creative slice of watermelon.
Lynn Reno ,
That is to cool, am thinking it would look even ‘cooler’ if it look just a bit frosty, like with transparent water droplets dappled about.
Ponsawan, you are one of the most creative people I know. It is a pleasure to sit beside you (and across the table from you) at the guild meetings. I am always interested in seeing what you do with the clay that we’ve worked on in our monthly workshops. Thank you so much for sharing.
Ponsawan ,
By all mean, Lynn, I would love to see “cooler’ look. How about the yellow watermelon?
Pat, so you meant to say I do not always follow the instruction and end up making something else instead of what othere people are working on? 🙂 Shame on me.
Hardly Ponsawan. You’re just darn creative and you always have a twist that others – namely me – don’t have. You inspire and awe me. Don’t change a thing. I love you just the way you are.