Next Thursday marks the opening of Rachel Gourley’s Core Sample show at the Craft Council of BC in Vancouver. Her colorful collection of self-supporting hollow polymer tubes stand 30″ tall looking like modern totems.
Rachel’s first explorations for this exhibit began when she developed back problems. Awaiting treatment, she would intently study the diagrams of the human spine in the offices of doctors and physiotherapists. Since then Rachel says, “I have thought a lot about the spinal column and how the body supports itself.”

Initially she titled the exhibition Vertical Vertebrae but she realized that the scope of her work had expanded beyond the human spinal column. She found herself investigating the structural core of organic forms and began to see parallels between spines, trees and columns in their ability to support a larger mass.
You can see more of Rachel’s exploration with natural forms in earlier PCDaily posts here and here. The show runs through September 5.
Giveaway winner and your suggestions
Jan Montarsi was the winner of the Friday book giveaway. Thanks to Jan and the more than 500 of you who took time to fill out the survey I can more accurately read the pulse of the PCD community. The number of responses bowled me over and your enthusiasm was a hoot. Thanks for all the suggestions and the compliments. You’ve helped greatly.
I love Rachel’s work. Her pushing of the size boundry of pc has always interested me. Great work – thanks for spotting it.
Julie Picarello ,
Rachel’s work is stunning in it’s simplicity, impressive in it’s scope…and with a back story that makes it all the more interesting. What an inspirational way to begin the week!
Beautiful! I particularly love the natural quality of the Cream/Brown/Black series. Like Judy, I’m always thrilled to see larger works in polymer clay. I look forward to seeing more of Rachel’s work in the future.
I’m always fascinated to see how polymer clay is used by artists larger pieces. It’s great work. Thanks for posting this, Cynthia.
Gera Scott Chandler ,
Congratulations Rachel on the opening of your show at the CCBC Gallery! Your pieces are spectacular!
Great to have pc showcased in such a terrific venue- the Canadian art scene is a bit behind the times with our medium of choice!
Kudos from your fellow Canadian westcoaster
Regarding the winner of your drawing–Jan Montarsi recently joined the Dayton Area Polymer Clay Guild. He’s quite a talented guy and inventive maker of tools. I expect we’ll hear and see a lot from him–I certainly hope he shares some of his inventive ideas with the guild and perhaps the polymer world at large.
jana benzon ,
How very cool! The first thing I thought when I saw the image was that they looked like the ‘horsetail’ plant that grows near water ways. Love the organic interlocking look and the beautiful surface ‘treatements’! I love all of Rachel’s work – what a talent..
Seth L Savarick ,
I am such a big fan of Rachel Gourley’s work. Really Wonderful!!!!!
Lora ,
Wow, love it! So nice!
Sandra ,
The spins are beautiful and I can see the good spines and the bad ones. Yes like the human ones. Thank you Cynthia.