Young’s katamari

Enough with pretty polymer jewelry this week. Time for a change and I love the idea of Camille Young’s katamari ball. Camille built this sculpture on the fly, responding to calls from FanGamers during their online officecam show.

The ball is based on a puzzle-action video game. The game’s plot concerns a prince on a mission to rebuild the stars. This is achieved by rolling a magical, highly adhesive ball called a katamari around various locations, collecting increasingly greater objects until the ball has grown large enough to become a star.

Camille shows what accumulated on her polymer version of the ball in the video to the right. Here’s hoping that your personal katamari picks up polymer accomplishments through the week.

  • reply Maureen Carlson ,

    I love this idea. I haven’t researched the game, but the concept seems to be a perfect metaphor for our life … rolling around picking up “stuff” that combines to become “US”, the STAR of our own story.

    If I don’t want a particular thing in my story, I’d better be careful where I roll, and if I want more of something, I’d better put myself into an environment where I’ll roll over it.

    I think I have a new tool for my self-discovery classes!

    • reply Jeannie ,

      I know nothing about the game, but this is brillant! Roll’in with my homey’s

      • reply Sera ,

        Hahaha the only thing my katamari would pick up is the cat fur tumbleweeds rolling around under my bed!
        Very cute work…

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