Each polymer dot, loop and swirl on Jennifer Morris’ jewelry is added one at a time. She calls it her “embroidery” style. It’s not hard to believe her when she says she goes into a meditative state when she works. You can learn more from her interview with ArtBeadScene here.
Jennifer’s ornate baroque/victorian style is often rendered in the sunny colors of Mexico. Add to that her romantic product shots and her poetic descriptions and you’ll understand why she’s a big seller on Etsy.
Embroidery Design Services ,
Wow..its really very different design the work and the grace is really very different and i just like it…the colour combination and the designing is so gracefull..i simply like it….
JeannieK ,
I love Jennifer’s work! The detail, time and patience just to make one piece is simply amazing and oh so inspiring!
Thank you very much. I liked your teaching how to do ceramic beads. I´ve been doing ceramic work since 1996. Now I´m doing polymer clay, then I can work with the two material.. Again,thank you for your teaching
jennifer morris ,
i just wanted to thank you so much for yet another beautiful feature! you are such a consistent and wonderfully encouraging supporter of my work through the years. your blog is always full of great work and inspiring artists..it means so much to me to be included!
all the best to you and your readers
and happy creating!
Heather Campbell ,
These are truly gorgeous!! I love the detail and the color combination is so rich and unique. Very inspiring!!