Steven’s polymer heritage

LA’s Laurel Steven calls herself a mixed media creatrix and she’s teaching her hinged polymer Heritage Locket at next month’s Portland Art and Soul retreat.




Laurel has also formulated her own twist on faux enamel and assembled a tutorial. You can see some of her samples in her Flickr pages, very faux.

  • reply Cindy Matthews ,

    Go Laurel! I love this piece, as you know, and I love your tutorials – huge fan, that’s me!


    Cynthia, way to go finding one of my very favorites to feature today. 🙂


    • reply Lynda Moseley ,

      I love Laurel’s work because she is FEARLESS! She takes an idea and runs with it, thoroughly enjoying the journey as much as the end result. She never disappoints! Her tutorials are all fabulous, loaded with photos and extremely easy to follow, and her blog is addictive. I pea green with envy at the folks who will get to take her class in person.

      I am just thrilled for her to see Laurel featured here at PCD. Way to go, my friend, congratulations! Good luck with A&S!

      • reply Marcia ,

        Another big fan of Laurel’s fabulous work here! Laurel does everything with a twist!
        I do love the hinged locket. I hope I can catch up with to one of her workshops someday. Marcia

        • reply Lynda Moseley ,

          rats, why isn’t there an edit mode here? LOL I AM pea green with envy, not that I… well you know. So sorry!

          • reply m.e. ,

            LOVE Laurel’s work !!!
            Her faux enamel flowers are AMAZING !!!
            a must have tut !!!
            m.e. 🙂

            • reply Laurel Steven ,

              Cynthia, what a lovely surprise! Thank you SO much for featuring me today!!!

              And Lynda – you should get that green pea thing checked out…..(grin!)

              • reply Marie Young ,

                Laurel’s style is one of a kind. Fortunately she is so willing to teach it to others!

                • reply Becky Acosta ,

                  Yay for Laurel! She brought this locket to a guild meeting–it’s cool the way it opens & fits back so snugly. A very nice piece. I’m sure her class will be great.

                  • reply tejae: heart artist ,

                    Cynthia, so happy to see Laurel featured. She is so creative. I love her textured details. She leaves nothing untouched. Notice the details on the inside of the door? very nice! She is always inventing new art and coming up with fascinating pieces. I’m sure her classes will be overflowing. 🙂

                    • reply Debbie Goodrow ,

                      Thanks for providing a trail and introduction to a wonderful artist. As someone said, ‘fearless’. I love the energy and fun in her pieces.

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