A link from Kathy Weaver pushed me to look at Russian sites which give us an idea of how polymer art is progressing in that country. This requires clicking through annoying ads and garbled translations but it’s worth the effort.
The trendy colors and hip clothes in the photos on Julia Laukhina’s site could have been from a craft fair in any urban center. Julli-Ya is from Moscow and this batch of soothing colors launches us calmly into a new week.

Then I ran into Elkozzzavra also from Moscow who loves her Dremel. She enthusiastically drills and carves polymer. It works and she’s developed techniques that look like a good outlet for aggression and result in gem-like sculptured art.
Check out her swiss cheese trees and positive/negative butterfly. Luckily she adds a photo tutorial with her carved pumpkin pin.
JeannieK ,
What a beautiful sea of beads. The colors are so calming and peaceful.
abracadabra ,
Ohoooo! Great great great blue beads, like a starry sky… beautiful
Kathy Weaver ,
If you have time, click through her pages. Her browns are what caught my eye in the beginning. It’s kind of hard to figure out pages, etc. But truely worth looking at!
abracadabra ,
Yes I saw the other pages too (it’s true that it is not easy to understand the Russian alphabet!), and there are really marvels : bracelets that seem to be knitted (is that way you say it in english !?), incredible patterns very fine and sweet. It’s a real journey into her world …so great ! J’adore !
alisa R. ,
Now how did I miss this? I love the carved pumpkin! And I love the way clay artists in other part of the world have such unique styles –uninfluenced by American clayers, I suppose…
Can hardly wait to find time to pour over the Russian sites you mention. Thanks so much for bringing them to our attention (even when we aren’t paying close attention. Oops!)
Tinnette Hemmnos ,
These are just fabulous! Check her pages out…I simply love the technique and pattern of the mirror.