Oxana Volkova’s photo shoot fascinates me! Her glamour and over-the-top chunky polymer, felt and knit creations make me clap and smile. And the matching makeup makes me wonder if I have those eye shadow colors in my bathroom.
While she was waiting for the professional photographer to show up, Oxana started snapping some behind the scenes shots. They give us a peek at how this Moscow artist works.
If you’re feeling uptight or bored with your work, a few minutes with her Flickr site will freshen your perspective.
Anita Brandon ,
WOW. Jewelry is fantastic! The colors and designs on the bangle bracelets area glorious. So nice to see behind the scenes of the photo shoot.
Debbie Crothers ,
These pics are just brilliant. I love her funky, bright and over the top jewellery. Definately made me clap and smile. Thanks so much for showing us this one.
JeannieK ,
I’m wondering if I could pull off this look. I love the piece she is wearing with the purple dress. To die for.