Each brush stroke on these 12×16 canvases by Joan Israel is a slice of a polymer cane. You must see the larger photos to get the full 3-D impact (left, center and right).
The vision, the patience, the number of canes…all mind-boggling! Some have a Henri Rousseau tropical feel. I marvel at their composition and energy. See more of Joan’s lush polymer paintings on the New York Guild’s site.

My husband’s cold is trying to catch me so I’m off to bed to dodge it. Not to worry, I’m good at avoiding bugs and I had a perfectly lovely birthday thanks to all of you. (I’d been saving Jen Dott’s polymer tissue box cover from the Pikes Peak Guild site to share with you on just such an occasion.)
Anna Koop » Polymer Clay Paintings ,
[…] ran into this via Polymer Clay Daily. Incredibly vibrant and detailed work. I love the swirls in the trunk of this one. Looking through […]
Feelingfimo ,
Oh my!! Those paintings are to die for..so much time and patience and creativity. Just shows us how many wonderful things can be made with polymer clay. And the tissue box is fantastic!! :)) Made me laugh.. Hope your husband will get well soon!! Thank you for all the inspirational links you feed us with every day!!
Anita Brandon ,
I think Joan’s work is magnificent. Her PC paintings are unique, creative, and COLORFUL and I especially love her baby elephant. Jen’s nose is priceless and the perfect choice for today. Cynthia: sending you healing thoughts and hope that your nose looks NOTHING like Jen’s.
Norma I Agron ,
Great! They remind me of the illustrator Jeanette Canyon. My sister sent me one of her books after my 7 year old nephew recognized the polymer clay as the “clay Aunt Norma uses” after reading the book at the library. These are wonderful too. The tissue box is hilarious!!
Hope your husband gets well soon and you don’t get it.
Janice Sears ,
These are incredible. They remind me very much of art quilting, which I have always wanted to try. Thank you for making us aware of this amazing artist.
Just when I start settling down about all the awesomeness of polymer clay, you show me this! This medium is truely awesome! Thansk so much for PCD – I have it set to come up automatically every day. I love it! Thanks! ~~Lyn
Janie ,
Joan’s work is magnificent! I could stare at those for hours.
Hey Joan: Did you ever think you’d be up on Polymer Clay Daily when we met at Michaels in the “clay/polymer” aisle a few years ago and I asked if you had ever worked in the medium? Congratulations polymer buddy! First the NY Polymer Clay Guild, then Polymer Cafe, then the Long Beach Arts League, and Artists Craftsmen of NY/Gallery Show! You’ve been busy as well as colorful and astounding. We’re so lucky to have you in the Guild–to show and tell and teach. Notice I always try to sit next to you (for inspiration)? I know some of your outrageous love of color has “rubbed” off on my work. Kudos. Live long and polymer! Laura G.
Joan Israel’s work is absolutely fabulous! Just when I think we’ve reached the boundaries of polymer clay, someone pushes them yet further. And that’s what I thought before I even scrolled down to the tissue box cover!
Joan Israel ,
Thank you all for your very kind words and comments .Thank you Cynthia for featuring me on Polymer Clay Daily and giving me a great thrill. Laura ,that day was a godsend . I have been addicted ever since and I am just amazed about all of the things this clay is capable of. I thank all of the outstanding polymer artists who have inspired me and all of the information that Polymer Clay Daily has to offer. Joan Israel
Royal couple, polymer style ,
[…] looked at Joan’s painting-by-the-slice creations earlier this year and she’s added tons of work to her Flickr site in the meanwhile. […]