Hot polymer, cool mom

How cool a mom is Jill Palumbo? Her sons each got electronic tablets for Christmas for which she had made polymer-embellished protective covers. (More pix here.)

The themed cases sported logos and icons from the boys’ favorite musical group and online game. (I had to look up Minecraft and Hot Water Music.)

Her design includes game pieces that turn the case into a stand for reading books or watching movies more comfortably.

Jill’s polymer ingenuity and thoughtful giftgiving need to be celebrated. Kudos!

  • reply Eva ,

    Inventive, clever and very kind lady…
    Bravo Jill! Je n’avais pas vu ce projet, c’est excellent!

  • reply Jill Palumbo ,

    Thank you so much, Cynthia. I am thrilled!!! It is always a good day if I can find time to come see your daily articles, and I am always inspired by the work of those you feature. Thank you so much for all you do to bring together so much information about polymer clay art. I have never expected to find my own work here! What a wonderful surprise for me!

    • reply Susan O'Neill ,

      Well, Miss Jill, you outdid yourself this time (which is saying something!) What lucky boys, in both the great gifts and the even greater Mom!

      • reply Priscilla ,

        WOW–Jill has outdone herself. Wonder if she’ll sell patterns for the covers? I know lots of people who would love customized covers like these.

        • reply Deb Raita ,

          Whoo hoo Jill! Congrats on making PCD and way cool idea. A perfect mix of imagination and practicality.

          • reply Randee M Ketzel ,

            …And having met Jill at the IPCA retreat this last July, I can personally vouch for the fact that she is the sweetest, kindest most adorable person ever-you just want to pick her up and put her in your pocket, like a beach-combing treasure; or better yet, make her YOUR mom.
            Way to go Jill!

            • reply alice bright ,

              This is sooooo cool, Jill. Love your beautiful work!!! I am looking forward to seeing more good things.

              • reply Lynn Shiner ,

                Ok Jill is like the *perfect* clay artist… she’s warm, friendly,talented, accomplished in many areas, and seems to be Waaaay more organized that I am…. AND she’s a great mom…. awesome! And I second everything Randee said……. btw, have you guys seen her clay mosaic table? I think it’s on Flickr… will have to look up the link….

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