Germany’s Anke Humpert brightens a gray winter Friday with these cheery red polymer umbrellas. With a second week deadline looming, she whipped up these earrings for her 52-week challenge. The pressure of a deadline can force out surprising creativity.
Determined to start the new year right, Anke’s been tackling the organization of her studio and you can vicariously enjoy her progress here. Have a cheery weekend.
Nena ,
Lovely earrings. They bring a smile to my face 🙂
Alice Stroppel ,
Love these little bright bits of fun.
Liz Hall ,
So cute and very clever!
Renee of CreatingCottage ,
Such a clever idea and so well done – congrats!!!!
Adriana Ayala ,
Anke’s work is wonderfully refreshing and fun! 🙂
I love this bright & happy earrings, they’ll for sure brighten any grey winter day!
I’m following her challenge and looking forward to a collage of pictures by the end of the year 🙂
Anke Humpert ,
…seeing my umbrellas on PCD makes this grey Friday even more bright!!!! Thank you for the feature…!
Seeing this studio does my heart good. I’m not the only one with too much stuff for a small space nor searching for the perfect containers. My space needs a similar reorganization project!
And I thought I had a lot of books! The earrings are great. Love the color!
Anke is so inovative! these cute earings on our grey days, wow, i’d love that!
Sarah Pennington of Hip Earth Designs ,
These are fab! Nice job, Anke!
joan tayler ,
Your earrings are beautiful. Your have inspired me. I was not going to do a 52 week thing this year ( last year it was buttons ) but now I must do the earring thing too. Thank for the nudge.