This newest faux polymer experiment from France’s Sylvie Peraud may take you back to the 80’s. Didn’t you own a sofa made of this material? With roman shades to match?
It makes me smile to think that the coarse weave is back in fashion and that Sylvie has mastered it in polymer. When you zoom in, you’ll swear it’s real.
Go to her site and her Flickr pages. I think we’ll be seeing more. Have a nostalgic weekend.
I’ve seen those on the flickr page lst night and fell in love with them instantly! Definitely will be trying it out 😉
Manigeutte ,
Thanks Cynthia !
You know what? The funniest part is that part of the inspiration to this coarse weaving came from the sofa we had when I was a kid and we were living in the states….but that was back in 1977. I still remember the fabric and lately my mom bought a cover that looks exactly like the sofa did. Funny that my memories meet yours.
Have a wonderful week-end!
suzy peabody ,
wow, she’s amazing, i loved her flickr, did you see the demin? about four pages in. thanks as always, cynthia for all your hard work and dedication to this site!!
cristalline ,
Trop la classe ! Bravo Sylvie ! 😉
Randee M Ketzel ,
How in the #$###?????? She is jaw-dropping amazing. What an artiste. And such a wonderful sense of humor.
Yes….we did own that sofa. Wow, the variations on Sylvie’s flickr site are amazing. I love how Sylvie continually plays with innovative techniques. Masterful.
Florence Minne-Khou ,
Trop forte notre Maniguette!!!! Sylvie, you’ve done it again!!!!!
Barb Lessen ,
I sold furniture and and did design work and do I ever remember that fabric!!! I love the texture that Sylvie has created! It is one of those comfortable memories!
Barb Lessen