Just a few days after the big holiday season and already the hearts are popping up for the next celebration. Tejae Floyde is in her element and this year’s line includes a polymer heart with a love-me/love-me-not indicator. See the video for her Spinner Hearts.

And in the “awwww” category, Melissa McCarthy shows off this 2-inch tall miniature love tree that’s topped with a heart. Her Etsy shop is appropriately titled Made with Clay and Love.
More to come in the heart department!
Randee M Ketzel ,
The moment I saw your title in my inbox, I knew it had to be Tejae. she’s the perfect example of an artist who can take a simple form and expand upon in ever more interesting ways–like a fractal spiral. I LOVE this new series.
Jainnie Jenkins ,
Lovely new hearts, Tejae!
ilenia ,
wonderful work, like every time i see his work, i love “Tejae style” !
Ginny Baker ,
Tejae’s hearts are gorgeous. And what a fun idea!