Fakir (Bed of Nails) and Finn from Jana Roberts Benzon may tax your Monday brain. Huh? How’d she do that?

Jana’s been improvising on her lazercut technique and has taken her 3D textures to a whole new level. Keep your eyes peeled for her classes on this (I couldn’t find them and let me know when you do). Here she is on Facebook.

The Orkney Springs 2012 group sent a heartfelt “Namaste” to the ladies of Samunnat. Last spring the Virginia retreat raised a generous donation which enabled the Nepali ladies to grow the project.
Before Samunnat, the women had to stay in abusive situations because their parents couldn’t afford to allow them to return to their homes and living alone wasn’t financially possible. Recently several women offered a “day-in-the-life” glimpse of their typical day (once they were removed from harm) which generally includes early rising for farming and cleaning chores before their work at the rented Samunnat office.
You raised over $1000 on Friday and Ron Lehocky is matching each dollar. That is fabulous! CLICK NOW to connect with other artists who are helping Samunnat take the next step and build their work facility. Your donation begins a small miracle that enriches lives.
Mary Anne Loveless ,
Wow, Jana, this is really amazing! You’ve done it again.
Jana will be teaching this at the New York Polymer Clay Guild soon — February 23/24.
Michele Norine ,
Visually stunning work Jana! It is so unique! WOW is all I can say
Kathi ,
I know of one class…she will be teaching this exact technique (first time teaching it in the US) September 14/15 in Bakersfield, ca. folks can contact me for more information
Jana ,
Thank you so much, Cynthia! And, thanks for the kind comments, ladies. To clarify, the Laser Cut workshop I’m teaching at the New York guild in a few weeks is quite a bit different and doesn’t include the items featured here. I don’t yet have a workshop on these pieces; the closest you’d get would be the Encrusted workshop Kathi Briefer Gose mentions above. Have a lovely week!
Sarah Chinen ,
Aloha Cynthia!!! Hope to see you at this year’s Clay Carnival!!!
Are the donations for the Samunnat ladies automatically done in Australian dollars? I logged into my Paypal account but am trying to choose American dollars.
Thanks much for promoting such a great cause and opening up my every morning with such wonderful and inspiring content!
Your classmate,
Sarah aka Honolulu Aunty
Jana ,
I’m back again because I realized I failed to mention an upcoming event where these items will be taught – I will be teaching a six day event at Maureen Carlson’s art center in Minnesota entitled ” Dancing on the Razor’s Edge: A Journey of Exploration and Discovery”, where we will immerse ourselves in the wonders of a tissue blade! The workshop is November 3-9, 2013. You can visit the link below for a bit of information; more will be posted soon….http://www.weefolk.com/maureen/teach.htm#November
Jana, I love how you continue to explore and push your razor’s edge techniques. Both of these pieces show exciting new directions. Wish I could see you and Maureen in November.
From Anna Winter – I had the delight of taking Jana’s laser cut class 2 years ago and it is awesome. Jana will be teaching a class Sept 2013 here in Bakersfield, CA. Once we have the exact date, it will be posted at sanjoaquinpolymerclayco-op@gmail.com. Also, one may contact Kathi Briefer-Gose at 661-703-8747.
Daniela ,
Amazing work