The problem is not your monitor, there really are bugs in the system and they’re polymer from Jana Lehmann. You can watch these beetle brooches escaping from their cute little boxes.

Jana’s work is consistently the most graphic and the tidiest I’ve encountered. There’s considerable sanding involved and lots of attention to detail.
Her polymer-covered pens always appeal to me with their shapely Skinner-blended bodies and their whimsical tops. Just for fun, I’m offering five of the wooden pen bases that Jana uses as a giveaway today. I ordered a bunch from the German supplier (Bettina Welker delivered them) and they’re fun to try.
Make a comment and you’re automatically entered. I’ll announce a winner tomorrow.
Melanie ,
Jana for sure has created some precious bugs and I love their little box (homes) as well. In all the years I have been working in polymer I have yet to make one pen. I’d love to get my hands on these! Thanks Cynthia!
wow, nice work on the bugs. And I LOVE the wooden pens! How might we order them?
Liz Hall ,
I love going through her flickr site! Boy oh boy, her work is amazing and as you pointed out tidy! I wish I had that ability and patients!
Adorable bugs. I can see them filing up my wall. Thank you for the inspirational posts.
What better way to welcome Spring but to see these bright colourful bugs!
I am sorry for the double posting (now triple). I did not see my first posting at 6:30am and thought it did not go through. Since moderation is involved, hopefully you can reject these last two.
Susan O'Neill ,
Even without a possible prize involved, I’d have to comment on those bugs – “cute” doesn’t normally appeal to me, but those are just well, got to say it….too CUTE!!!
Melanie ,
Inspiring work. Boxes….oh my!
Fantastic Beetles and I love her pens. Pics me pick me!!! LOL
Karina ,
Beautiful! ^_^
Marlene Brady ,
I would treasure one of Jana’s pens-thank you for the giveaway opportunity. I’m stuck in a black and white polymer world right now so a walk through Jana’s colorful world was extremely refreshing. Thank you. -Marlene
Love these bugs. If only my home were infected with these cuties!
Adorable! And the packaging even coordinates to the colors in the bug. So detailed!
I usually don’t care for bugs in any shape or form, but these guys are okay with me…
I concur. The bugs are so cute and executed perfectly. I can only aspire to have such flawless work.
Kathi ,
I ABSOLUTELY love Jana’s work. her pens are to die for.
Love these bugs! I must look to her website right now!
So colorful and whimsical!
Too cute, thank you for the giveaway
I have always admired her work and her beautiful sense of color! Thanks for featuring it.
Love the whimsical bugs and the pens are very cool too!
Melody ,
I love her polymer covered pens – so quirky and perfect.
Julie Eakes ,
Love the colors. Great design doesn’t have to be complex.
Annie Pennington ,
Thanks for sharing, Cynthia. Jana’s bugs are eye-catching, and her craftsmanship is exquisite. I’m always drawn to work that’s finished well, and her work continues to impress me!
Jana’s Cosmic Blossoms are on my favorites…so cheerful and appealing! I adore the bugs, too!
I don’t usually like bugs of any kind, but these are wonderful!
I love seeing Jana’s work. Just plain FUN!!! As you say, her craftsmanship is so clean and her designs are fully resolved. Like Liz, I marvel at her flickr site. I’d love to own some of her pieces, but haven’t figured out how or where to purchase them.
Jan Montarsi ,
Love her bugs!!!
put my name in the hat !!
Jan M
Perfect for a spring craft show!
Kristie Foss ,
Thanks for sharing Jana’s work. It’s so cheerful – and mischievous at that same time. A lovely brightener on a rather gray day. You are so right about her finishing work, it’s superb!
Thanks, too, for coming up with a “give-away.” Always fun.
Bonnie Kreger ,
Thanks for all the great daily posts. It’s very inspiring and thanks for the give away, that’s really nice of you.
Tom C. ,
Your eye for color and precision lines is outstanding!
Karen Green ,
I love how Jana uses color and texture. Thank you for sharing her work!
The pen form is so elegant, and th polymer casings so modern and sophisticated. Lovely work!
We have ladybugs in our houses all year long here in the woods. One just crawled over to the computer to take a look at Jana’s bugs – I think he is in love!
As well he should be – beautiful!!
Lorrene Baum-Davis ,
Cynthia, all I can say is WOW! I need to get these too. Was it a difficult process? Thanks for this great post.
Those are so cute! The colors are amazing and I just love bugs! 🙂
Bugs everyone can love…adorable!
Love these little guys. Just goes to show what you can create when you have a wonderful imagination and an excellent product like polymer clay.
debi ,
thank you for showing these adorable bugs!! Your posts are always inspiring!!
Love Jana’s work. Hoping to win the pens so my clay group can have a Jana day admiring her work and using the wooden pen bases to create our own visions.
Love the bugs! How cute and the colors are wonderful!
Melanie West ,
Bugs, what fun! Yes, Cynthia, I totally agree with the craftsmanship (craftswomanship?) of Jana Lehmann’s work. Terrific!
Sandy ,
Oh my, those bugs are adorable! And the boxes are too clever. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the chance to win. 🙂
love her bugs and love polymer clay daily!
These are fantabulous! I LOVE THEM!
Adorable. I would love to be able to chase these cuties around my home. such imagination and ability. Thank you for sharing.
Lisa Mackin ,
Jana’s packaging is as appealing as her brooches – very fun!
Jeepers creepers!! These bugs are a delight!! Love the detail and clean lines!! Adorable!
Angela Anderson ,
It is hard to make bugs look cute……but you did it! Very Cute!